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Pax Humana adalah Jurnal Humaniora Yayasan Bina Darma yang terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun (Juni dan Desember). Jurnal ini hadir sebagai wadah pencerahan dan pemberdaya masyarakat atas dasar kasih dan perdamaian.
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Peran Employee Relations Dalam Upaya Pencapaian Visi dan Misi Best Western Premier Solo Baru Yusia Putriani Handoko
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Employee relations is an activity that serves to build communication relations within the internal public of an organization in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization. Employees are an important asset for companies to manage besides the material assets. As one of hospitality industry, Best Western Premier Solo Baru also conducts employee relations activities to achieve its vision and mission. Since it was inaugurated on December 15, 2015, Best Western Premier Solo New held employee relations activities for its employees as a mean to develop relationships among employees related to the vision and mission of Best Western that has to be achieved. This research uses qualitative research methods. Data retrieval is done by interviewing informants and do direct observation. Through this research will answer questions about what employees' relations which are conducted by Best Western Premier Solo Baru, the meaning behind the vision and mission of Best Western, and the relation between employee relations activities as an effort to achieve vision and mission of Best Western. From this research, will be obtained the data that to achive vision and mission, employee relations is done by embedding the values of Best Western's organization culture, I-CARE and performing 12 work commitments at Best Western. Key words: Best Western Premier, Solo Baru, Employee Relations, Vision and Mission
Model Pendidikan Perdamaian Ramah Perempuan pada Sekolah Perempuan untuk perdamaian Yuliana Tien. B Tacoh
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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AbstractPost-prolonged conflict in Poso District, communities need sustainable peace building. Even the society must be empowered to independently seek and live in peace. Peace education is one of the activities that make post-conflict communities empowered to work for peace. This study aims to describe how the design and implementation of a peace education activities conducted in the School of Women peace. Peace Women School is a non-formal education activity established by AMAN (Asian Muslim Action Network) in the post-conflict region of Poso District. This research is descriptive research, describe model and activity of peace education at Poso District School of Women. The results show that the model of Peace Education in Women is: the planning stage is designed The learning curriculum according to the needs of post conflict society, which is a peace education curriculum based on the empowerment of Women. Implementation phase is delivered through learning activities by using modules, appropriate learning media, peace learning process with various methods that are friendly to women and conditioned learning atmosphere that makes women feel empowered. Evaluation, The process of monitoring the accuracy of learning that develops the character of Women as learners who have the ability to care for a peaceful life. Peace education can be an alternative model of inter-religious dialogue in post-conflict societies, with women as subjects.Keywords: Peace Education, Peace Women School, Women Empowerment
Analisis Survival Strategy Nelayan Tradisional di Pulau Miangas Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Wilson M. A. Therik; Frinsiska Jelinda Sahadula
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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People in Miangas rely on fisheries and agriculture products as their main source of livelihood. They encounter with several problems such as: storm and big waves, limited technology and transportation, illegal fishing by the Filipino fishermen, the lack of quality of the local fishermen, inadequate service and health facilities, and poor quality of education. Starting from these problems and difficulties, the purpose of this research is to find out the survival strategy by local fishermen on Miangas Island, Talaud regency, North Sulawesi. This research used descriptive-qualitative approach which based on interviews, observation, documentation study, and data analysis inductive model. The results of this study are: (1) Buildings a relationship with a Filipino fisherman; local fisherman weaves relationship with Filipino fisherman and utilize their expertise to find fish. (2) The role of the fishermans wife in managing household expenses (financial management), become one of survival strategies that are no less importent thant other strategies. (3) Fishermans in Miangas give informal and formal education for their children so that later they can survive. (4) The fisherman in Miangas island use the natural resources to get another icome when the weather is bad. Besidesthe abundanceof natural resourceson the island ofMiangasprovides allbasicfoodrequired bytraditionalfishermenon the island ofMiangas, so they cansurvive.
Paradoks- penerimaan diri dan eksistensi (lesbian) Dian Novita Kristiyani
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Penolakan dan diskriminasi masih sering di dapatkan oleh lesbian. Kehadiran lesbian belum sepenuhnya diterima, dengan fakta tersebut maka banyak gerakan baik personal, kelompok maupun organisasi yang menyuaran pengakuan dan pemenuhan HAM. Faktanya keberadaan homoseksual (lesbian) telah sejak lama ada di dunia ini. Penolakan membawa dampak yang cukup besar bagi lesbian, proses penerimaan diri (coming in) akan terasa sangat sulit ketika lingkungan sosial belum bisa menerima diri seorang lesbian dengan orientasi seksualnya. Jika penerimaan diri belum tercapai maka eksistensi diri seseorang lesbian sebagai manusia juga sulit untuk tercapai. Nilai dan makna atas diri menjadi dinamika batin yang terus bergejolak. Pemahaman seksualitas yang tidak utuh bagi sebagian masyarakat menjadi satu faktor sulitnya lesbian diterima sebagai bagian dari masyarakat. Hal tersebut membawa dampak pada kehidupan lesbian, kini orientasi seksual bertransformasi ke ruang publik, tidak lagi menjadi ruang privat seseorang. Kontrol atas orientasi seksual terjadi, tidak hanya di masyarakat saja namun Negara juga melakuknnya. Realitas tersebut membuat kehidupan lesbian semakin dinamis dan kompleks. Proses penerimaan diri (coming in) menjadi awal bagi seorang lesbian untuk memulai proses selanjutnya hingga tahap eksistensi diri dan aktualisasi diri. Memiliki makna dan nilai atas diri sendiri bukan berdasar atas nilai yang orang lain berikan. Kata Kunci : Lesbian, Penerimaan Diri, Eksistensi Diri, Dinamika Kehidupan
Gereja Sebagai Communion yang Bertanggungjawab: Sebuah Model Bergereja bagi Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor dalam Menuntaskan Persoalan Human Trafficking di Nusa Tenggara Timur Jear Nenohai
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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This article is a literature review to offer an ecclesiology model for GMIT in the face of human trafficking issues in East Nusa Tenggara. The author designed the ecclesiology model of responsibility by collaborating on the idea of the ecclesiology of communion Zizioulas and the review of the parable of the "Good Samaritan" in the gospel of Luke 10: 25-37 through the Ethical paradigm of Emanuel Levinas. The Church as a trititarian fellowship is responsible for migrant workers from East Nusa Tenggara such as Samaria who helps the injured person whom he encounters amid the journey. The ecclesiology of responsibility then becomes the theological foundation for GMIT in realizing God's love for those vulnerable to being victims of human trafficking.Keywords: Human Trafficking, GMIT, Ecclesia, Communion, Responsibility, and The Good Samaritan.
Makna Hidup Anak Korban Broken Home dari Perspektif Logo Konseling Jacob Daan Engel
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis makna hidup anak korban broken home usia 12-18 tahun dari perspektif logo konseling di Galala-Hative Kecil Ambon. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keprihatinan terhadap kebutuhan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi anak-anak korban broken home. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan observasi lapangan. Anak korban broken home memahami makna hidup sebagai suatu keburukan, kehancuran, kesendirian, kebebasan, kenikmatan, ketidakpercayaan diri dan ketidakbermaknaan. Menyikapi temuan tersebut, logo konseling membantu anak korban broken home mengembangkan kesadaran diri, penerimaan diri, ketegasan diri, tujuan hidup, tanggung jawab diri, integritas diri dan makna hidup. Dengan itu, logo konseling memberdayakan anak korban broken home dapat memperoleh pemaknaan hidup dibalik keterpurukan hidupnya melalui: 1) nilai-nilai sikap sebagai sumber kekuatan menyikapi kondisi dan masalah yang dialami anak korban broken home; 2) tanggung jawab yang berhubungan dengan pengendalian dan pengembangan diri anak korban broken home; 3) transendensi diri untuk melakukan transformasi nilai dan modifikasi sikap; 4) kompetensi dan integritas diri untuk mengeksplor nilai-nilai sikap; dan 5) kesadaran untuk menemukan makna dan tujuan hidupnya. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk meninjau efektivitas model logo konseling terutama untuk kalangan anak korban broken home.
Rahasia Menjadi Pemimpin dan Pengikut Mianto Nugroho Agung
PAX HUMANA Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

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Judul Buku : Kepemimpinan dan Kepengikutan: Teori dan PerkembangannyaPenulis : K. H. TimotiusTahun Terbit: 2016Penerbit : Andi dan UkridaHalaman : x + 338Kover : Soft cover, ArtIsi : HVS 70 gramdimensi : 23 cm x 15,5 cm

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